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Inaugural Convention


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The inaugural convention of the society will take place on the 14th and 15th of December 2013 at the University of Tokyo. All members are invited to participate in the general meeting. For information about admission to the society, please refer to this page.

Following the general meeting, a commemorative lecture and symposium will be held. Non-members will be welcomed to these events. If you are not the member of the society and would like to attend any of these events, please notify us in advance by e-mail to office@suth.jp. This is only for the purpose of estimating attendance and reservation is not necessary.

The First General Meeting of the Society of Urban and Territorial History (for members)
Saturday, 14 December 2013 14:00-14:45 14:00-15:00
at room 213, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 2, the University of Tokyo (Hongo campus)
Commemorative Lecture
“What is city?” by Mr. Koichi Kabayama (Prof. em. of the University of Tokyo, Director of the Printing Museum)
Saturday, 14 December 2013 15:00-16:00 15:30-16:30
at room 213, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 2, the University of Tokyo (Hongo campus)
The lecture will be in Japanese.
Official Party
Saturday, 14 December 2013 17:00-19:00 
at the Yayoi Auditrium Annex, the University of Tokyo (Yayoi campus)
fee: 5,000 yen [tentative]
Sunday, 15 December 2013 10:00-17:00 10:00-17:30
at room 15, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 1, the University of Tokyo
at room 213, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 2, the University of Tokyo (Hongo campus)
General Theme: Present state of urban history (part 1)
  1. Early modern urban history in Japan / Kaoru IWAMOTO (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
  2. Medieval urban history in Japan / Akiko MIEDA (Ritsumeikan University)
  3. Urban history in Italy / Shinya KATAYAMA (Japan Women’s University)
  4. Urban history in Asia / Shoichi OTA (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
  5. Urban history in France / Makoto KATO (Japan Women’s University)


  • Nobuyuki YOSHIDA (The Iida City Institute of Hisotrical Research)
  • Shinichiro TAKAHASHI (The University of Tokyo)
  • Toru INOUE (Osaka City University)
  • Yo TOKUHASHI (University of Toyama)
  • Takeshi ITO (The Univerisity of Tokyo)
